Saturday, May 8, 2010

How to Sculpt a Rabbit

The rabbit is one of nature's most graceful and picturesque animals. It's no surprise that sculptors find an alluring challenge in crafting the sleek BEUTY of these creatures in stone. A well-trained sculptor will be able to find the nuances of these animals and make them come alive.

  1. Step 1

    Assemble pictures of rabbits in different poses and actions, as well as different close ups and angles.

  2. Step 2

    Choose a photo as the base of your sculpture and decide on a pose you want to dedicate your efforts to. Rabbits can be running, jumping or just sitting. This will make the basic foundation for your sculpture.

  3. Step 3

    Begin carving away details while looking at a close-up photo of a rabbit, and get the rabbit to look like you want. Pay close attention to the eyes, ears and tail, creating a finer form of the rabbit.

  4. Step 4

    Find the close up shots that you saved in order to recreate the details of a rabbit. Pay close attention to the pattern of hair and the way the skin folds around the bones and shoulders.

  5. Step 5

    Finish off your sculpture by polishing away any imperfections. Many people believe this is the only way to show the sleekness and grace that living rabbits have. Carefully polish the stone, as it may take away a slight amount of detail.

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